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Two Guinea Pigs

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Guinea pigs are a social, herd animal, so please plan on adopting a non-breeding pair. They don't have to be siblings and yes you can pair up two males! Find some great guinea pigs near you. Learn how to adopt and why you should avoid pet stores. Be part of the solution!

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Guinea Pig Care

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Seeking To Do The Right Thing

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Comments (2)

408 4th St SE
Cut Bank, Montana  59427
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408 4th St SE
Cut Bank

Rescue Info

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Seeking to adopt, rather than buy, guinea pig clan for myself and 3 children (ages 16, 13, 8). However, with our rural Montana location, it seems I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.  Guinea pigs do not do well being shipped, and since I can find no breeders or rescues nearby, it seems our only option is to go to the pet store.  Working on building an awesome C&C pad, since I am hoping to have the pigs ready Christmas morning.

I would prefer females, since I have read that they get along better and do not stink as badly. One of the children want a Teddy guinea pig, while I have no preference for the other three except that they look different enough to easily tell apart (I like American, American Satin, Silkie, Silkie Satin, Texel and White Crested) I'm not really looking to get a cavy without fur though. It would be really neat if they could already be litter mates, but I know that 's stretching my luck.

Posting here in the hope that maybe somebody working for a rescue or going somewhere for the holidays might be passing through town...

User comments


Single female guinea pig

Hi, I live in Puyallup Washington I urgently need to get rid of my adult female guinea pig
Since I am moving to Chicago soon. I don't know if you would like to travel so far for a guinea pig or not so...
She is calm and will lay down when you pet her I have introduced her to one guinea pig and she hasn't gotten along
I want her to go to a great home were she can have a lot of interaction she will come with everything but I don't know if you want the cage it's a bit weird she is for
Adoption everything will be free I don't know her exact age she may be about two years old. ( I've had her for a year )
But if you are interested please message me at my email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. thank you for your time

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