
Find appropriate and safe supplies for your guinea pigs!

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Two Guinea Pigs

Looking for a guinea pig or hopefully two? We're here to help!

Guinea pigs are a social, herd animal, so please plan on adopting a non-breeding pair. They don't have to be siblings and yes you can pair up two males! Find some great guinea pigs near you. Learn how to adopt and why you should avoid pet stores. Be part of the solution!

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Guinea Pig Care

How to Care FOR Guinea Pigs and Caring ABOUT Guinea Pigs!

Welcome to the new Guinea Pig Care Library. We have consolidated the "best of the best" care articles and forum posts across our multiple sites into a single source for easy access. They have all been or are being revised, updated and improved. And now you can comment on the articles as well as submit new articles.

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This site is all about sharing knowledge, awareness and expertise about guinea pigs and guinea pig-related products. Who benefits? We all do, especially our pets. You are most welcome to partake of all the information and resources. But, the real value comes when you participate with your feedback and involvement. It's pretty easy to make a difference!

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The Guinea Pig Zone - Where the Passionate Piggy People Go!

forages2There are many forages that guinea pigs can eat. Please make sure before feeding to wash thoroughly. Also all forages must come from chemical and pesticide free areas and avoid areas close to roadsides as fumes from cars can contaminate. You also do not want to use grass or other forages from areas where dogs, cats or other animal species urinate or defacate.

Grass can be fed daily in unlimited amounts once your cavies are used to it, otherwise start with a small amount and increase daily for several days.

Dandelion leaves are quite high in calcium, best fed every 3 days or so.
Everything else, use your best judgement and give in small amounts.

Also want to mention, if it's not on this list it may not be edible. So please ask before feeding.
  1. Grass (common grasses are edible, avoid ornamental grasses), cat grass/wheat grass is also popular and can be grown in pots or containers.
  2. Clover (Trifollium repens or Trifolium pratense)
  3. Dandelion (Teraxacum officinale) - pick leaves, stems, flowers (even root OK)
  4. Anise (Pimpinella anisum)
  5. Blackberry leaves (Rubus plicatus) - pick young & tender leaves and shoots
  6. Calendula (Calendula officinalis) - leaves and flowers
  7. Caraway (Carum carvi)
  8. Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis)
  9. Chickweed (Stellaria media)
  10. Cleavers / Stickyweed / Goosegrass / Bedstraw (Galium aparine)
  11. Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)
  12. Cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaeae) - berries, leaves in moderation
  13. Cow Parsley (Anthiscus sylvestris)
  14. Dog Rose (Rosa canina) - ripe fruits
  15. Duckweed (Lemna minor) - aquatic
  16. Fennel (Foeniculum capillaceum)
  17. Field Violet / Wild Pansy (Viola tricolor)
  18. Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris)
  19. Lemon Mint / Melissa (Melissa officinalis)
  20. Linden / Lime Tree (Tilia cordata or Tilia platyphyllos) - flowers with
    pale yellow leaflets
  21. Miner's Lettuce (Claytonia perfoliata)
  22. Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
  23. Plantain (Plantago major or Plantago lanceolata)
  24. Raspberry leaves (Rubus idaeus) - pick young & tender leaves and shoots
  25. Spearmint (mintha spicata)
  26. Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica)
  27. Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)
  28. Silverweed (Potentilla anserina)
  29. Vetch (Vicia x)
  30. Yarrow (Achllea millefolium)
  31. Whortleberry / Heidelberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) - berries, leaves in
  32. Wild Chamomile (Matricaria chammomilla)
  33. Wild Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) - berries and leaves

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